ben ✹𓃥✲
ben ✱ he/him ✱ nonbinary ✱ california
reconnecting indigenous (sámi & native)
[ interests ] life science (marine biology, ecology, etc), coastal geography and ocean science, foggy and rainy weather, architecture & interior design, fashion, perfumery, textile art, ceramics, fursuits, furry history, y2k era and frutiger aero, vintage toys and games (90s-late 00s), walking & hiking (nature & urban exploration), public transportation, horror related media, pokemon
i'm an artist / designer / hobbyist from the monterey bay area of california, currently living in socali work fulltime as a freelance artist. i'm interested in design, colors, character concepts, and while i'm primarily a digital artist i've been experimenting more with traditional / physical arti'm passionate about anything relating to ecology and biology. in particular i love and love learning about snakes, mustelids, sea birds, bristle (polychaete) worms, roaches, parasites, and california ecology / native plants. outside of life sciences i also love studying architectural / interior design, graphic design, perfumery, sociology, and i enjoy making personal characters and headworlds for them to live of my main stories is dog of paradise, who stars my oc tex, a gay coyote hitman based in the coachella valley area of california.
my fursonas
these are my fursonas / mascots!
i have a few of them, but kai is my main mascot, he's really the most important.
the rest are for fun, and i change them often!
they are inspired by different areas/towns of California that are very important to me, where i grew up, where my family is from, where i spent summers or winters, etc
you can see their toyhouse profiles here!

✱ Name: Kai Laureiro
✱ Species: American Akita Canis lupus familiaris
✱ Gender: Male he/him
✱ Height: it varies!
✱ Hometown: San Francisco, CA
✱ Occupation: Marine Biologist
✱ Smells like: eucalyptus, wild mint, monterey cypress
✱ Song Tycho - A Walk
✱ Toyhouse link here
He's my main mascot and fursona! Inspired by my childhood memories in the San Francisco bay area. A friendly bi jock guy who only ever wants to talk about nature science, Californian ecology, the ocean and so on. Kai lives in the Inner Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco, California, in the shadow of Mt. Sutro. He works as a Marine Biologist, at the (fictional) Moss Beach Marine Lab, south of SF.In his free time, he's always exploring the city, especially the Presidio and Golden Gate Park, flippin' rocks and logs for snakes and lizards, or driving along the coast.
the ocean and coastline, rainy days and foggy mornings, redwood forests, sports + athletics, surf + skate culture, street fashion, house shows, retro toys + games, architecture

✱ Name: Sierra Westbrook
✱ Species: Pacific Marten Martes caurina
✱ Gender: Nonbinary he/him
✱ Height: 5'3''
✱ Hometown: Boulder Creek, CA
✱ Occupation: state park interpreter / forestry
✱ Smells like: coast redwood, pine needles, cold brew
✱ Song goth babe - moments/tides
✱ Toyhouse link here
If Kai is the bay/coast - Sierra is the mountains/redwoods. A recreation of my oldest fursona (who was an American Marten!) Sierra is more of a truesona compared to Kai (though Kai kinda fits the definition but I tend to be more fluid/fun with his design.)
He's a mix of pacific coast dweller + woodsy camper vibes. Originally from Rio del Mar Aptos area, but moved to the Santa Cruz Mountains to work in the parks. I imagine he lives in a small apartment or cabin-ish house in Boulder Creek, and spends part time as a Park Ranger (Big Basin or Henry Cowell?), and part time helping to relocate Rattlesnakes for locals.
small town life, mountain views, quilted fabric, botanical gardens, road trips, five-panel hats, wool clothes, earthy colors, cinnamon pastries, salmon jerky
✱ Name: Tanoak "Tanner"
✱ Species: North American Wolverine (G. g. luscus)
✱ Gender: Genderfluid she/they/he
✱ Height: 6'
✱ Hometown: Portland, Oregon
✱ Occupation: forestry
✱ Smells like: cedar dust, fall spices, warm leather jacket
✱ Song: Jaguar Sun - Forever and More
✱ Toyhouse link here
a pacific northwest themed wolverine, a character that reflects my genderfluid identity and life experiences with gender/sexualitythemed around the pacific northwest & autumn/winter time!
woodsy/outdoorsy stoner. works in forestry or maybe a lumberyard or both.
car camping, roadside truck stops, lumberyards, biker bars, old neon signs and vintage christmas lights, heavy jackets and flannels, cold weather, wildflowers, film photography, weed, beer
✱ Name: Matteo "Idyllwild" Flores
✱ Species: Rattlesnake / Sidewinder
✱ Gender: Femme Gay Man he/him
✱ Hometown: Idyllwild, California
✱ Occupation: Ceramics Artist
✱ Smells like: sweetgrass, sun-warmed leather, desert pine
✱ Song: caribou - can't do without you
a lovesick cowboy in the low deserts of california. rattlesnakes have been one of my favorite animals for as long as i can remember, and this character is a homage to that.born and raised in the coachella valley, currently residing in the san jacinto mountains at idyllwild-pine cove, teaching at a locally owned ceramics and art studio.a hybrid of western rattlesnake species, primarily Mojave Rattlesnake, Pacific Rattlesnake, as well as Colorado Desert Sidewinder.
springtime in the desert, summer on the coast, southwest americana, pottery, textile art, cowboys and westerns, perfumery, vintage furniture stores, leather and suede, soft blush pinks
✱ Name: Raincoast "Rain"
✱ Species: Mountain/Woodland Caribou
✱ Gender: Nonbinary he/they
✱ Hometown: Big Sur/Carmel Valley, CA
✱ Occupation: Architectural Designer
✱ Smells like: wild mint, coast sagebrush, damp earth
✱ Song: ford. - Tell Me (Anew)
an architectural designer (and designer in general) from the bay area of california. he mostly grew up in berkeley, currently lives part time down in big sur/carmel valley. rain is mostly interested in landscape architecture, and has a fascination with concrete n the sun, weathered driftwood exterior, reclaimed wood and metal accents, ceramic tiles, and round windows.he is inspired by both north american reindeer (like boreal woodland) and scandinavian reindeer (like norwegian mountain)
beachcombing, thrifted drinkware, rare tea blends, concrete and driftwood architecture
✱ Name: Yarrow Ferreira
✱ Species: California Valley Coyote Canis latrans ochropus
✱ Gender: Genderfluid he/him
✱ Height: 6'2''
✱ Hometown: Joshua Tree, CA
✱ Occupation: plant nursery technician
✱ Smells like: desert sagebrush, sweet orange, incense
✱ Song Jaguar Sun - Cold Wind
✱ Toyhouse link here
my comfort fursona. meant to be much older than me (40s-50s) and i treat him as a comfort fursona. he's themed around 70's as well as mid century modern aesthetics and anything related to the desert. his guilty pleasure is las vegas. he works for the great basin instute as a plant technician teaming up with the national park service at joshua tree
desert life, mid-century modern design, psychedelic art, 70's aesthetics & fashion, tapestries, poetry, candles, incense, road trips, orange blossom trees, floral iced tea
✱ Name: Marlon O'Neill
✱ Species: Blue Shark Prionace glauca / + Grey Reef Shark
✱ Gender: Cis Male he/him
✱ Height: 5'10''
✱ Hometown: Santa Cruz, California
✱ Occupation: owner of Abalone*
✱ Smells like: marine salt, pacific fog, citrus sunscreen
✱ Song: Goth Babe - Crocodile
✱ Toyhouse link here
blue shark / grey reef shark hybrid
he owns a skate/surf retail store combined coffee shop called
Abalone (inspired by Mollusk in san francisco, just with coffee attached to it)
cute beach houses, aquariums, fossils, sea glass, raw fish, early 2000s skate/beach fashion
my characters
This page is a work in progress
i'll host random pics/galleries of my ocs here!

Joseph "Tex" Saldahna
✱ species: california valley coyote
✱ gender: male he/she
✱ hometown: palm springs, ca
✱ scent: tobacco & orange blossom
A gay hitman based in the Southwest and Southern California area. Main character of my story/headworld so I draw him a lot!!
the desert, neon signs, casinos, wildflowers, palm trees, classic cars, cool knives, guns, city night drives, floral prints, roll-your-own cigarettes, fruity cocktails

✱ species: mascot / pool toy / wolfdogpuppy
✱ gender: what
✱ hometown: PARIS / NYC / LA / TOKYO
✱ scent: vinyl plastic & garage fumes
a mascot for a fictional fashion brand. inspired heavily by comme des garcon and similar brands. designed for clothes and collectables and other things. can be made of clear or opaque material, white or shiny silver, covered in stickers/logos, and so on

Fen Ranulph
✱ species: eurasian wolf
✱ gender: male he/him
✱ hometown: new york city, ny
✱ occupation: consultant
✱ scent: iris flower & leather sandalwood
Fenrir is a white-collar businessman from New York City, working at a consulting & accounting firm Lupus & Vulpes. A love interest for Tex in my story - Fen hires Tex as a personal (and strictly) bodyguard, but they end up becoming close friends.
contemporary design, art deco, autumn and winter, libraries, art and history museums, perfumery, whiskey, rare steak, dark chocolate, tiramisu, affogato

✱ species: angel (wolf)
✱ gender: genderless it/they/he
✱ hometown: spawned in at 43°10'59.2"N 111°56'47.0"W
✱ occupation: ?????
✱ scent: rosewater & tea leaves
not to be confused with the generic black wolf i usually draw, this is more of an angel themed character and anthro. sometimes i pair him with church the coyote
list of things here

Church Casino
✱ species: demon (coyote)
✱ gender: genderless he/it
✱ hometown: Truth or Consequences, NM
✱ occupation: conman
✱ scent: burnt piñon pine & monsoon creosote
An oldish character of mine I used for experimental art that has more desert landscapes or psychedelic feeling. A mysterious desert dweller, canyon wanderer, night road rider... known by locals as a cryptid, a werecoyote, a trickster, a conman, a gambler... he is a demon but he's not actually all that powerful. wanders the southwest in search of interesting things.
dark canyons, old gas stations, cowboy western wear, flashy outfits, smell of the high desert after a thunder storm, gold, rattlesnakes, black coffee, raw meat, clove cigarettes, low riders

✱ species: japanese macaque
✱ gender: nonbinary any pronouns
✱ hometown: toronto, canada
✱ occupation: professional snowboarder
✱ scent: banana smoothie & coconut milk
monkey who happens to be a pro snowboarder...
Lives in a world visually similar to Inkopolis/Splatoon.. but all animals
winter sports, bonfires, boba cafes
✱ design by: MunchMonster

✱ species: bobbitt worm
✱ gender: male he/him
✱ hometown: fantasy beach, ca
✱ occupation: life guard
✱ scent: green palm leaves & water lily
✱ pinterest: [link here]
from a (made up) town called fantasy beach, with white sands, quaint pastel beach motels and breezy palm trees. works as a lifeguard, alternating for the beach and a local resort pool.
iridescent, holographic, and glittery materials, pool water, seashells, bath bombs, stickers, pink plastic, floral perfume
✱ design by: vhsdruid

✱ species: sea otter
✱ gender: trans male he/him
✱ hometown: santa cruz, ca
✱ occupation: surf instructor
✱ scent: sea mineral & old leather
retired pro surfer turned surf instructor based in capitola/santa cruz. lives in a navy blue craftsman house, in pleasure point.
neoprene smell, driftwood art, coconut surf wax, verve coffee
my kintypes
you found my not so secret secret kin page!! this is a page where i list my current animal kin for fun
i've had 'kin' feelings since i was a kid, way before the internet. i always attached to a specific animal or group of animals throughout my life. it's always shifted but i've always had some kin feelings towards canines, reptiles, mustelids, raptor birds!
i know nowadays people go by terms therian and similar - not sure if i would. i just always used kin as long as i can remember. it's mostly a fun neurodiverse thing, and maybes lightly spiritual but not too serious.
the list below is not in any particular order

american marten & pacific marten + other subspecies and so on
not so much european pine martens

pretty much any rattlesnake species :) but i have a soft spot for pacific rattlesnakes...
snakes other than pit vipers, mainly na colubrids - gopher snakes, corn/rat snakes, king snakes...

sharks, pretty much most species, but i like Requiem sharks best (my shark fursona is hybrid of blue shark and gray reef shark for reference)

i especially love mexican wolves and sea wolves
also coyotes and wolf coyote hybrids or wolfdogs!

i'm not really 'dog' in general kin. i just really like american akitas and always have! of course any mixes or dogs that look similar fit to this
of paradise
my oc tex, main character of dog of paradise
you may see me talk about my story 'Dog of Paradise'I've been working on it since 2014, It follows main character, tex. it mainly takes place in the los angeles and palm springs areas and is focused on various hitmen and character interactions in this dark but also colorful kind of world.It's actually currently on hiatus as I've been really busy with art as a full time job. But I hope to return to it soon! A lot of the info + character designs are old and go back years and are due for updates!i have a carrd + toyhouse folder where i go more in depth to the world, even talk about the worldbuilding, places and locations and so on.

"Sometimes you feel like you wanna be a hero
Other times you just want to sit around and drink some booze
But me and the boys, we just hang out in the disco
So we don't have to choose"

lone moutain
Lone Mountain is a slice of life, small town drama centered around LGBT romance. Focusing on a friend group who grew up the Monte Toyon area forest communities. They remained in town after graduation, despite many peers outside their close group leaving for college.
The story and cast deal with romance, gender/sexuality feelings, post high school/college feelings, longing for a different life away from home
lorem ipsum
working / temporary title
A medical drama taking place at the fictional Westwood Medical Center's trauma unit / emergency room. Ranked #12 in the states, WMC, or Westwood Health, is a non-profit & medical research center, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City. Famous for it's emergency and level 1 adult and pediatrics trauma centers, and level 3 prenatal care. It competes with NYMed and Cedar Lake Hospital.While it is a serious story / drama, it does play around with early-mid 2000s medical dramas (think House, Greys Anatomy, etc) , a bit of y2k feeling, music, tropes... etc.
-- name: jack laureiro
-- species: vancouver island wolf / mexican wolf
-- gender: two-spirit he/him
-- hometown: seattle, wa
-- occupation: forester / park ranger / conservationist
-- scent: warm summer air, red cedar, sweetgrass, fresh ground coffee
-- pinterest: [link here]
Patagonia camping dad. Woodsy, fun warm colors.Spends time between the Bay Area and Lake Tahoe area.
forest hikes, mountain views, small town life, rivers and creeks, wildflowers, five-panel hats, earthy colors, flannels and quilts, roadside biker bars, salmon jerky

design notes:
can have entirely natural markings or stylized markings on his back
has faint face freckles
always has some sort of facial hair, and always has body hair
-- name: santo navarro
-- species: california valley coyote
-- gender: two-spirit he/him
-- hometown: palm springs, california
-- occupation: unknown
-- scent: night blooming florals, desert pine, old leather, copal resin, palo santo
-- pinterest: [link here]
descendent of Trickster Coyote. depsite this he could just be an ordindary coyote man in our world, just with special ancestry, or he can have minor powers of a chaos god.
forest hikes, mountain views, small town life, rivers and creeks, wildflowers, five-panel hats, earthy colors, flannels and quilts, roadside biker bars, salmon jerky

design notes:
i change his design a lot - no worries about getting it "wrong"!
most important features: cheek dots, off white fur + big akita head/neck
can have optional speckling / freckles across fur
chest tattoos are optional, and can be stylized in any way
eyes are any blue, blue green, blue gray, etc! below are some examples: